Luca is 2 Months Old!!!
Measurement: Weight: 11lbs 9 oz (39%) Length: 23.2 Inches (56%) Head Circumference: 40.0 cm (44%) Developments: Happy boy full of smiles Better head control More interaction with people, smiling, cooing and gurgles Favorites: Eating Swinging Cuddling Tummy Time Sitting up and looking around It has been amazing watching this little guy's personality come out over the past month. He is a very sweet laid back little guy. He has the most adorable little face you can' t help but kiss it. His sleeping habits are a little better now, as if they were bad before...he goes to bed about 10pm-ish and wakes up at 1:30am to eat and then goes back to sleep for a couple more hours. He is still eating about every 3 hours during the day. My growing little man is in 3 month clothing and wearing a size 1 diaper.